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IDP Jointly Establishing Institute of Urban Safety and Underground Space with No.1 Bureau of China Metallurgical Geology Bureau

Date:2018-08-11    Author:     Source:     Click:

        On August 10, 2018, the Institute of Urban Safety and Underground Space jointly established by IDP and the First Bureau of China Metallurgical Geology Bureau was established. Zheng Guoguang, vice minister of Emergency Management Department and director of China Seismological Bureau, and Lu Jin, director of China Metallurgical Geology Administration, attended the establishment of the Institute and delivered speeches.

In his speech, Secretary Zheng Guoguang pointed out that the establishment of the Institute is a powerful measure to implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important discussion on disaster prevention, reduction and relief. It has complied with the needs of profound changes in China's economic and city development situation. The application of new disaster reduction technology is of great significance to further explore the city and underground space engineering disaster mechanism prevention and control measures, and promote the city's and underground space's rational development and effective utilization, and improve the level of urban public security and improve the urban service function. He hoped that the research institute would, in accordance with the principle of "demand driven, technology driven, mutual promotion, integrated development, collaborative innovation, openness and sharing", highlight the key issues in urban development, provide decision-making consultation and technical support for building a livable city and improving urban vitality, and make due contributions to the people's living and working in peace and contentment. He asked IDP to seize the opportunity to actively promote the "industry university research" cooperation, constantly improve the level and quality of disaster prevention and mitigation personnel training, and better provide talent guarantee and intellectual support for the rational development and safe operation of urban engineering.

In his speech, Director Lu Jin said that it is of great responsibility and glorious mission to do a good job in urban safety and underground space development. He hopes that both sides can solidly promote the implementation of various work of the Research Institute, form more scientific research achievements oriented to the government, enterprises and markets, establish the organic connection of "industry, university and research", and make our common cause better, stronger and bigger.

In recent years, the Party Central Committee and the State Council have requested to change the mode of urban development, improve the urban governance system, improve the capacity of urban governance, and strive to solve the prominent problems of "urban disease". In particular, it has made clear instructions to coordinate the urban construction above and below ground, improve the intensive utilization rate of urban land resources, develop urban underground space, and strengthen urban geological survey. The establishment of the Institute of Urban Safety And Underground Space fully embodies the concept of innovation and development. With the advantages of "school enterprise cooperation", it further strengthens the ability of earthquake prevention and disaster reduction to serve the economic and social development.

Qi Furong, Secretary of the Party Committee of IDP, Yao Yunsheng, President, and Yi Rong, Director of the First Bureau of China Metallurgical Geology Bureau, delivered speeches successively. The participants visited the disaster simulation laboratory and underground structure and engineering geology test site of IDP.