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Delegation from Chinese?Scholarship?Council Visiting IDP

Date:2019-03-21    Author:     Source:     Click:

On March 21, 2019, Yang Guang, deputy director of the Cooperation Project Department of the Chinese Scholarship Council, and Wu Xiaoli, the project director of the Cooperation Project Department, and his party visited IDP for investigation. The meeting was presided over by President Yao Yunsheng, Vice President Liu Chunping, representatives of School Office, Academic Affairs Office, Scientific Research (International Cooperation) Office, Discipline and Graduate Department, Teacher Development Center and overseas visiting personnel of IDP attended the meeting.

At the meeting, Yao Yunsheng stressed that IDP attaches great importance to international exchanges and cooperation, and always takes it as an important measure to promote the internationalization of talent cultivation. For a long time, in order to cultivate high-level talents with disaster prevention characteristics, IDP encourages and supports teachers to study abroad, and has achieved practical results. However, at the same time, there are also many deficiencies in the work of government-sponsored overseas study. It’s hoped that with the scientific guidance and strong support of Chinese Scholarship Council, IDP can make greater progress in this respect, so as to better serve the cause of national earthquake prevention and disaster reduction, and economic and social development. Liu Chunping briefly introduced the basic situation of IDP and the situation of our teachers visiting abroad in recent years.

Yang Guang gave a brief introduction of the development process of Scholarship Council, and the general situation of government-sponsored projects in recent years, and explained in detail the policy of government-sponsored overseas study in 2019. He affirmed the work of studying abroad of IDP, and put forward specific guiding opinions on this work.

Shan Weifeng, Tang Yuan and other returned visiting teachers exchanged their overseas experience.

After the meeting, Yang Guang and his party also visited the structural engineering test center, earthquake monitoring and early warning simulation platform, remote sensing seismic network center and disaster simulation laboratory.